Sunday, July 11, 2010

Only Daughter by Sandra Cisneros

Cindy Alcantar
Only Daughter by sandra Cisneros.I have read this story before, when i read it this time it refresh thoughts I had toward it . This story shows a typical "machista" Mexican family. Sandra Cisneros explains that she is only daughter in a family of six sons. She also mentions that her dad will always say he had seven sons . This made Sandra feel erased from her own family. Sandra's dad way of seeing Sandra in her future was as someone's wife. when she was in the fifth grade she told her father she was going to college his response ."que bueno m'ja, thats good." for Sandra this mean a lot . Her brothers made fun of her. When Sandra started to write. she wanted to impress her dad.He was not interested in reading . Later she realized that her dad only wanted her to go to college and find a good man and get married . Her brothers had careers and families. Her biggest accomplishment was when she gave her novel to her dad actually read it and proudly ask her for copies to give away .
This story shows how Sandra even when her family only expected her to grow up and be a house wife . She went farther in life and become a great writer and also was able to woo her father and made him proud .

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