Sunday, July 11, 2010

TheAllegory of the Cave

Cindy Alcantar
Eng. 20
Post #1
I really enjoyed this story . The Allegory of the Cave, by Plato is an interesting story it talks about
prisoners who are in a cave being blinded by the fire , not being able to see the outside light. one being able to escaped the cave .My favorite part of the story is paragraph 27 ."And when he remembered his old habitation,and the wisdom of the den and his fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose that he would felicitate him self on the change ,and pity them."
In my own words this passage tells one that the prisoner who was able to escape the cave now is seeing what really is out there in the outside world. Now he realizes that in the cave there was not much to learn, explore and to experience. It was pretty much up to the puppet masters on how they should see life . When he sees what is outside the cave he now sees the reality of life.
He does not know whether to feel happy for himself or to pity the prisoners . I think is really hard for him to go back and help the others if they do not want to be help to be freed. I f their only reality has always being the cave.
PS my first post.

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